Certified Reverse Mortgage Specialist (CREV)
NAMB recently launched the Certified Reverse Mortgage Specialist (CREV) course! Our certification sponsor, Liberty Reverse Mortgage, can help you confidently add reverse mortgages to your product mix.
More than 10,000 Americans turn 65 daily, and the reverse mortgage certification will give you the information and tools necessary to successfully navigate the product, process, and conversation with potential borrowers.
During the course you will learn:
Age/Property/Equity Requirements
How loan amounts are determined
The role the product type plays in how much a borrower is allowed to access
How a credit report is viewed and its potential impact on the loan
Sales tips and best practices for working with borrowers 62+
Overcoming objections and working through underwriting issues
And much more…
Immediately following the class, a test will be given, and upon passing, you will be presented with your certification and all the marketing materials you need to promote yourself!
Sponsored by Liberty Reverse Mortgage